Thursday, December 3, 2009

Party bus, other proposals discussed at SGA meeting

Avery Day
Staff Writer

A proposal by the Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity to run a party bus every other Thursday passed Monday night at the Student Government Association meeting.
A proposal by the Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity passed in the amount of $3,000. The first bus will be run tonight. It makes a route from Wingate to Hilltop to Shooters and back to the college.
The buses would help eliminate drinking and driving. The $5 charge would cover for students to ride the bus all night to all three locations. Delta Sigma Pi asked for $3000 to cover all of next semester.
There were two other proposals that passed Monday night. The first was supported by Campus Outreach asking if they could receive $1,200 for scholarships to help five students go to Washington D.C. for the New Year’s Conference. This money will help students pay for the trip who otherwise would not be able to afford the $300 per person cost.
The second was made by the AD-Team. They requested that they receive $549 (plus tax equating to around $600) for a new Apple Mac mini computer since their current computers keep crashing on them. The club agreed to pay for their own design software, costing over $400, if they could receive the computer funding.
Some announcements and reminders: starting next semester, after a student’s car gets ticketed three times, the car will be towed. New movies will also be being purchased for WU Flix.
Primetime’s last meeting for the semester will be held Thursday night at 8 PM.
Letters were distributed to all the groups and organizations present to inform them of the expectations expected by SGA. Each group is allowed only so many absences from each SGA meeting; starting next semester, they will all be given a grace period and will be starting over from zero missed meetings.
The letters also address the rules for receiving funding and reserving rooms for events.
The issue of breaking into cars was also brought up at the meeting. The suggestion for video camera to be installed in the parking lots to help catch the violators was turned down due to the amount of money it would cost.
However, the suggestion for improving the lighting in the parking lot to “intimidate” anyone looking to break into cars was more reasonable and will be discussed with the appropriate personnel.
SGA will also be sponsoring part of “Refueling” during finals week.

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