Friday, September 11, 2009

All in the family:Troutmans make new baseball clubhouse possible

Steven Grandy
Sports Editor

After many months filled with hard work, late nights and buckets of sweat, the goal of getting a clubhouse has finally been reached by members of the Wingate baseball team.
The 3,100 square-foot Troutman Baseball Clubhouse, located on the hill above the third base line, was dedicated on the morning of August 29 with numerous Bulldog players and supporters in attendance. "The clubhouse is named for my grandfather, Raiford Troutman," said Blair Troutman, a recent player for the Bulldogs. "My dad, mom, other grandfather and my older and younger brothers have all attended Wingate. I played for four years and asked my grandfather for a donation for the clubhouse." Troutman’s younger brother, Blake, is a pitcher for the team.
The ceremony, which took place on a humid morning, gave the team and university an opportunity to show off the new building. "Dr. McGee opened the ceremony and said some great things about my family" said Troutman. Then Coach Oz (Head Coach Allen Osborne) spoke his words of gratitude for my family as well as the Vasquez family, and to everyone involved in the fundraising. Finally, (Athletic Director) Mr. Poston gave his words of thanks and the ribbon was cut and tours were offered to anyone who wanted to go inside."
With the clubhouse complete after ten months of construction, Troutman believes that it will help the baseball program immensely. "The clubhouse has two televisions and a sound system in the locker room. It has showers for us, which means we will no longer have to walk up to Sanders-Sikes Gym soaked in sweat. The older players have an enormous sense of pride because we all worked tirelessly to raise the funds for it" said Troutman. "The clubhouse cost $350,000 to build, and all of the money for it was raised privately" said Osborne. Although the clubhouse serves as an important recruiting tool, according to Osborne, it also has an important purpose for the current team. "Now we have a place for our guys to come after class, after games, and after classes to come and build team chemistry. It gives our guys a home".

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