Friday, September 11, 2009

Wingate, United Way team up

Kevin Goode
Staff Writer

For the first time, both Wingate faculty and students alike joined forces with the United Way for its 17th annual Day of Caring August 29. Participants showed up at Irwin Belk Stadium to hear announcements and then headed out in separate groups to take part in service projects aimed at helping clean up and beautify the surrounding Union County communities.
Caroline Twiggs, director of service, said moving the date was huge because it opened it up to the students, giving the day its largest turnout. In the past, students would have completed service projects on the day after the Day of Caring. This year there were 13 teams. There was one team of faculty and the rest were athletics and service learning organizations.
Senior psychology major Effie Stansbery is co-president and coordinator of University Community Assistance Network (UCAN), a group dedicated to serving the community.
"We went to see a lady by the name of Kathy Griffin. Unfortunately, she wasn’t home because she had fallen recently and injured herself. We weren’t expecting see anyone to be there," said Stansbery.
"We thought we were just going to come in, do the work and be done, but her whole family was there," said Stansberry. "They greeted us. They talked with us, they laughed with us, they told us what we should do to help and they told us Kathy’s story. They even told us how they had planned to help pay for her medical bills, just kind of including us in Kathy’s life."
Dr. Maria Chiarella, psychology professor and faculty volunteer, said "Student involvement in Day of Caring is essential for Wingate University. It helps to honor its pledge to encourage student service, leadership and civic engagement. Not to mention, it is a fun way for faculty and students to model our care for each other and our greater community."
"I believe that Wingate family’s involvement in Day of Caring reflects our deep commitment to and appreciation of our greater Union County Community," said Chiarella.

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