Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sarah's scripture space

Sarah Briggs


I received inspiration for this devotional upon hearing the pastor of Arden First Baptist in Arden, North Carolina, speak his interpretation of the book of Ephesians. As a church we have studied the book of Ephesians since the beginning of the summer and the epistle is full of insight from the Apostle Paul. The entire book of Ephesians was written to the church of Ephesus that was trying to thrive in a culture much like ours today. The people of Ephesus were of all types of religions, spiritual identities, and even some that believed in witchcraft. Paul wrote this book with the purpose of encouraging those of the Christian faith to keep pursuing unity that can only come with Christ. Paul challenges us in Ephesians to be “imitators of Christ” (5:1) and also to “live as children of the light” (5:8). With these things in mind, we can read Ephesians 5:19-21 and see what Paul is saying about being filled with the Holy Spirit and obeying the will of God. From these four verses, four truths about living in the Spirit can be pointed out:

1.) Speak encouraging words to one another: No matter how different your opinions or thoughts might be, we are charged to build each other up with encouragement.

2.) Praise the Lord for all the has done: Paul literally says to “sing and make music in your heart”, no matter how poorly you might think you sing, it is still giving praise and it is still a joyful noise in God’s ears.

3.) Give thanks for all things: This is pretty self explanatory. God does good daily. He blesses us in ways that we sometimes seem to overlook. He’s satisfied with a simple thank you when we notice how much he has blessed our lives.

4.) Submit to someone: Paul says that we should submit out of reverence for Christ. Just as Jesus submitted to God when he came to earth, so we should daily submit to one another.

This is my charge this week to the readers of this little devotion: to live in the Holy Spirit and try to live out these four truths given to us in the book of Ephesians. Keep in mind that we are children of the light and that we are God’s workmanship created to good things (2:10)!

Peace & Praise the Lord!

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